import random
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from uuid import uuid4
import numpy as np
from fractal.loaders.base_loader import Loader, LoaderType
from fractal.loaders.structs import PriceHistory
class MonteCarloHourPriceLoader(Loader):
A class that represents a Monte Carlo hour price loader.
This loader performs Monte Carlo simulation on the price data,
obtained from a base loader.
Generates prices using a GBM process with volatility,
and without drift.
Length of the simulation is equal to the length of the base loader data.
price_history (PriceHistory): The price history data.
trajectories_number (int): The number of trajectories to simulate.
loader_type (LoaderType): The type of loader used to save and load data.
seed (int): The seed value used for random number generation.
extract(): Extracts the price data from the base loader.
transform(): Performs Monte Carlo simulation on the price data.
load(): Saves the simulated price data using the specified loader type.
read(with_run: bool = False): Reads the simulated
price data from the saved file.
run(): Executes the entire process of extracting,
transforming, and loading the data.
def __init__(
price_history: PriceHistory,
trajectories_number: int = 100,
loader_type: LoaderType = LoaderType.PICKLE,
seed: int = 420,
) -> None:
Initializes a new instance of the MonteCarloHourPriceLoader class.
price_history (PriceHistory): The price history data.
trajectories_number (int, optional): The number of
trajectories to simulate. Defaults to 100.
loader_type (LoaderType, optional): The type of loader used to
save and load data. Defaults to LoaderType.PICKLE.
seed (int, optional): The seed value used for random number
generation. Defaults to 420.
self._data = None
self.trajectories_number = trajectories_number
self.price_history = price_history
self._file_id = str(uuid4())
self._random = random.Random()
def load(self):
def read(self, with_run: bool = False) -> List[PriceHistory]:
if with_run:
return self._read(self._file_id)
def delete_dump_file(self):