Source code for fractal.core.base.strategy.result

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from fractal.core.base.entity import GlobalState, InternalState

[docs] @dataclass class StrategyMetrics: """ Default metrics of the strategy. """ accumulated_return: float # total return of the strategy apy: float # annualized return sharpe: float # risk-adjusted return max_drawdown: float # maximum drawdown
[docs] @dataclass class StrategyResult: """ Result of the strategy running. It contains the timestamps, internal states, global states of all entities and total balances Methods: get_metrics(data: pd.DataFrame) -> StrategyMetrics get_default_metrics() -> StrategyMetrics to_dataframe() -> pd.DataFrame """ timestamps: List[datetime] internal_states: List[Dict[str, InternalState]] global_states: List[Dict[str, GlobalState]] balances: List[Dict[str, float]]
[docs] def get_metrics(self, data: pd.DataFrame, notional_price: Optional[str | float] = None) -> StrategyMetrics: """ Calculate metrics of the strategy by StrategyResult data. StrategyResult data can be generated by to_dataframe() method. Args: data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the result. notional_price (Optional[str | float], optional): Notional price of the asset. If it is None, the notional price is 1. If it is a string, the notional price is column name of the DataFrame {entity}_{state_name} For example, if notional_price='SPOT_price', the notional price is price of global_state of SPOT. If it is a float, the notional price is the value of the float. Returns: StrategyMetrics: Metrics of the strategy. """ data = data.sort_values('timestamp').copy() if notional_price is None: notional_price = 1 elif isinstance(notional_price, str): notional_price = data[notional_price].values elif isinstance(notional_price, float): pass else: raise ValueError("notional_price must be None, str or float") data['net_balance'] /= notional_price accumulated_return: float = data['net_balance'].iloc[-1] / data['net_balance'].iloc[0] - 1 total_seconds: float = (data['timestamp'].iloc[-1] - data['timestamp'].iloc[0]).total_seconds() total_years: float = total_seconds / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) apy = accumulated_return / total_years data_frequency = len(data) / total_years net_balance_std = data['net_balance'].pct_change().std() if net_balance_std == 0: sharpe = 0 else: sharpe = data['net_balance'].pct_change().mean() / net_balance_std sharpe *= np.sqrt(data_frequency) # annualize sharpe net_balance = data['net_balance'].values cumulative_max = np.maximum.accumulate(net_balance) drawdowns = net_balance / cumulative_max - 1 max_drawdown = np.min(drawdowns) return StrategyMetrics( accumulated_return=accumulated_return, apy=apy, sharpe=sharpe, max_drawdown=max_drawdown )
[docs] def get_default_metrics(self) -> StrategyMetrics: """ Calculate default metrics of the strategy. Returns: StrategyMetrics: Metrics of the strategy. """ data = self.to_dataframe() return self.get_metrics(data)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert the result to a DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the result. """ columns = ['timestamp'] columns += [f"{entity_name}_{field}" for entity_name in self.internal_states[0] for field in self.internal_states[0][entity_name].__dict__] columns += [f"{entity_name}_{field}" for entity_name in self.global_states[0] for field in self.global_states[0][entity_name].__dict__] columns += [f"{entity_name}_balance" for entity_name in self.balances[0]] data = [] for i, _ in enumerate(self.timestamps): row = [self.timestamps[i]] for entity_name in self.internal_states[i]: row += list(self.internal_states[i][entity_name].__dict__.values()) for entity_name in self.global_states[i]: row += list(self.global_states[i][entity_name].__dict__.values()) for entity_name in self.balances[i]: row.append(self.balances[i][entity_name]) data.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) df['net_balance'] = df[[col for col in df.columns if 'balance' in col]].sum(axis=1) return df